Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Dirty Dick's & Katie's Dance

Monday, October 27, 2008
Lazy Summer Day

Friday, October 24, 2008
"It was a furry bird, standing on its hind legs!"
Chris thought it looked more like a weasel or ferret .... I was clueless as to what sort of animal had invaded the pool area. Orrrrr ...... was it possible that it was a nutria?
The Internet is a wonderful resource for questions such as this. Sure enough, it was not a Sesame Street character, but a nutria.
Nutria, also known as coypu, are large semi-aquatic rodents, indigenous to South America. In the 1930's, they were imported to Louisiana for the fur farming industry. Either intentionally or accidently, these big effin' rats made their way into the wild, moving up the east coast, becoming quite a nuisance. A few years ago, Colington & Roanoke islands had a problem with them hanging around the sound side docks and wreaking havoc.
The kids did not return to the hot tub that evening .... instead everyone agreed it had been a long, busy day and a good night's sleep was in order for tomorrow - our first full day in Hatteras!
I am now going to attempt posting a slide show of Lightship ..... I'm sure I'll screw something up, so bear with me .............
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Hatteras Village & Lightship

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Gone to Carolina

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
When Harry Met Lynnea

The train made numerous stops in small towns, but none were long enough to jump out and snap some pics. Deciding I should grab some lunch/dinner (it was now 6:30 p.m.), I headed for the cafe. I placed my order for pizza and a Yuengling. What a lovely experience .... sitting in a booth, eating dinner and watching the world pass by! By this time I had been in the same clothes 32 hours and was longing for a hot shower, a couple of cold beers and to experience sleep in a horizontal position. I headed for the loo and attempted to clean up a bit (to no avail .... I still resembled a homeless person) in anticipation of meeting cousin Harry.
Soon the nice conductor (the crew on this run was really pleasant) called out the words I'd been longing to hear for many hours .... "Next stop, Newport News!"
Stepping off the train, I saw Harry approaching. Thank God he hadn't forgotten to pick me up! We shared a quick hug and then he took a look at me and said, "Wow. Rough train ride?" Gee, he really knows how to make a girl feel good.
We loaded up his car and headed off. Harry suggested dinner, but really, I just longed for a couple of cold beers and a comfy bed. We stopped at a 7-11 (there are still 7-11's Back East!) and I snatched up an icy 6-pack of Heineken's.
After checking into the motel, I decided I was too pooped to shower. Quickly slipping on my jammies, I pulled back the duvet and dove into the bed. Heavenly! Pillow-top mattress, 6 pillows, crisp, cool sheets ..... ahhhhhh. I reached for a beer and gave the top a quick twist. Hmmmm ..... it didn't budge. I tried again ..... nothing. Horrified, I realized that this wasn't a twist top bottle. OH NO!! I tried popping off the top using the door lock mechanism, I tried smacking it off using a counter top. It was useless ..... I was doomed to only look and fondle the ice cold bottle, dripping with moisture. I began to doubt the existance of God.
I flipped off the lights and immediately fell into the arms of Morpheus.
Tomorrow ..... Harry & I are off to Hatteras!!!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Rock-a-bye Traveler & Harper's Ferry
Harper's Ferry - After Civil War Battle

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Chugging Our Way to DC & Points Beyond