Sunday, September 28, 2008
The shrill ring of the telephone woke me from my deep, dreamless sleep. It couldn't possibly be my wake up call! I had just closed my eyes! But, sure enough, it was the front desk, advising me (in an uncommonly chipper voice for that time of day), that it was 7 a.m. Time to rise & shine!
Groaning, I rolled over, pulled the duvet over my head and considered catching a few more winks. Never had a pillow and mattress fit my body so well! The room temperature was perfection! It seemed I had finally found the ideal conditions in which to sleep. I couldn't possibly leave such a comfy environ! But, realizing the less I tarried in bed, the sooner I would arrive in Hatteras Village, I threw back the covers, bounded out of bed and to my feet (okay, okay .... I admit it .... I've never bounded out of bed) and jumped into the shower.
After washing away three days of accumulated grime, I felt refreshed and ready to take on the day. I tracked Harry down - he was breakfasting in the dining room at the hotel. I joined him for a cup of coffee and then we got under way for the day's travel.
It was a lovely drive .... the scenery beautiful and conversation pleasant. Harry and I hadn't spent much (if any) time together as children - he was one of the "big" cousins and I was one of the little crumb crunchers who visited his hometown of St. Joe, MO only a few times a year. It was nice to get to know Harry a little better.

We stopped at Grandy's Market along the way to pick up some fresh produce. When I first began visiting the Outer Banks, Grandy's was just a little wooden farm stand along the side of a 2 lane highway. Now, that 2 lane highway has expanded into 5 lanes of constant traffic and the farm stand has numerous buildings displaying the best fruits, veggies and other foods from eastern NC.
The first thing that caught my eye was a table full of home grown 'maters!
Oh, sweet Nancy! How I love tomatoes fresh out of the garden. I bagged a half dozen of those, my mouth already watering in anticipation of a tomato sandwich on toast with mayo. Yum!
Samples of boiled peanuts and peaches were being offered. I skipped the boiled peanuts (I don't think anyone really likes boiled peanuts - it's a mean joke that Southerners play on us Yankees), but popped a peach slice into my mouth. What a heavenly taste. There's nothing better than taking a bite out of a big, ol' ripe peach and having the juice run down your arm. I added the peaches to my purchases. We bought a few more items, then headed southward again.

Soon, Bodie Island lighhouse loomed ahead, and then Bonner Bridge, spanning the Oregon Inlet.
I was giddy with excitement! Finally, I'd be back on my beloved Hatteras Island after a year's absence. I rolled down the window, unfastened my seatbelt and practice holding my breath, just in case this would be the day the Bonner decided to take its inevitable dive. Nope, another successful crossing!
We breezed through the Food Lion and upon realizing that we still couldn't check in for another 4 hours, we unpacked Harry's car to reach the cooler. We jammed in as many perishables as possible and prayed that the rest of the refrigerated items would survive their time in the hot sun.
Back on Route 12, we approached Buxton. Canadian Hole was full of kite boarders. I guess wind surfing is passé? Not much had changed in Buxton. I noticed the bushes around the Orange Blossom Cafe were gone. I almost didn't recognize the place! The lighthouse, Dillon's Corner, the Village Bookstore, Connor's .... all welcoming sights to me.
I was glad to see Indiantown Gallery still open in Frisco. Nearing the south end of Frisco I could see our final destination in the distance.
Hatteras Village!
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