Vacation: More of Day 3
Saturday afternoon, September 28th, 2008
We were here! As tradition dictacted, our first stop would be to check out the rental. Driving towards the ferry landing, I was gratified to see that not much had changed along Route 12. The big, old white building across the street from the Red & White was standing empty. Hmmmmm ..... I wondered if it's for sale? Thankfully, only the one Wings still occupied the village - As much as I despise Wings stores, they were having a sale! 50% off everything in the store! I would need to check that out! (I'd later regret that decision.) And, look there! That huge construction site we wondered about last year on the curve just south of Lee Robinson's, was Seaworthy Gallery. Very beautiful.
The highway divided .... "Beaches" to the left, "Ferry" to the right. Bearing left, I caught sight of the backside of Lightship. Left onto South Beach and another quick left on South Beach Court and we were there.
Slowly cruising past the cottage, we agreed that the exterior was certainly beautiful - but knowing not to judge a book by its cover, we decided to hold off our final judgment until we saw the interior.
With two hours left to kill, we drove back to Teach's Lair Marina for a lingering lunch at the Island Bar & Grille. Ahhhh ..... my first crabcakes of the season! They were served with homemade potato chips - tasty, but I'm not sure I'd go out of my way to order them. Overlooking the Pamlico Sound, the restaurant has some of the best dining views on Hatteras Island. Watching the fishing fleet returning in the late afternoon or viewing the ferry departures and returns makes for relaxing entertainment.

Linnea, I am enjoying your trip very much. have you ever considered becoming a writer?
LA in PA
Hi LAinPA -
Actually, I'm currently working on a novel that takes place in Nags Head. My friends & family have been after me for years to write, so decided I'd give it a try. Obviously, it's highly doubtful it would ever get published, but I know my Mom will read it. LoL Thanks for the kudos! YMINIowa
Hi Lynnea,
My name is Jane and I'm with Dwellable.
I was looking for blogs about Hatteras Village to share on our site and I came across your post...If you're open to it, shoot me an email at jane(at)dwellable(dot)com.
Hope to hear from you!
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