Vacation: Still Day 9
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Before I was so rudely interrupted .... where was I? Oh yes ......
There was a moment of silence. Then .....
"Omigod, oh no! What happened? Lynnea, are you okay?"
It was obvious what happened and it was obvious I wasn't okay. If I were okay, I'd not be laying face down in a parking lot between two cars, moaning & clutching my knee.
I felt like Nancy Kerrigan.
I quickly took a mental inventory of my injuries. The hinterland region of my brain was checking in with an update. Seems it wasn't just my right knee screaming with pain, but also my left palm and left knee.
Carrie & Jennifer were fussing all about me - I was content to just lay there and not move ..... ever.
I slowly opened my eyes and my surroundings swam back into view. I gingerly rolled up to a sitting position. Glancing at my palm, I fully expected to see gravel embedded in the flesh, but no ...... it was intact.
"Ohhhhhh, I don't even want to look at my knees," I groaned. Carrie & Jen assured me that they were okay - my crop jeans were not torn, nor was there any visible bleeding.
How can that be? Such pain MUST be accompanied by blood & gore. Warily, I hiked my jeans over my knees. Well, damn, Gina! They look just fine!
I finally felt steady enough to get in the car with some assistance. My day of shopping was definitely over.
Hobbling around the cottage for the rest of the day, I could feel my right knee worsening with every passing minute. Jen insisted that I keep walking around so it wouldn't stiffen up. I really think it would have felt better had I let it stiffen up. I never wanted to bend my knee again.
Checking on it later that evening, I was concerned to see it looking like this .......
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